Monday, June 8, 2009


Those magnificent birds really gave us a show this year! They constantly ran the river all day, and rode high on the thermals. As far as we could make out, it looked like there were three fledglings in the nests. If they turn out to fledge O.K., that will be a great boost for the population! The pictures didn't turn out too badly, considering I was shooting from a moving train through moving trees on the train side of the mountains, plus shooting against a pure tree-green backdrop on the other side! It's a good thing those guys have white head- and tail-feathers! They sure look great this year!

This deer thought he could give the train a good run!

The conductor
said they do it all time!

One of several shots of the nest that I got. This one shows the "residents" the best.

Different takes of the birds as they flew up and down the river.

This is a killdeer that had her eggs right next to the tracks on a parking lot in Petersburg! These birds are not nest dwellers, and lay their eggs in open areas such as this! Silly birds! They manage to exist most of the time!
All I can say is WOW ! ! ! You have some awesome shots there my friend. Thank you for sharing them. Looking forward to the next bunch. As for the 'something' you captured, I love a good mystery
Images and captions courtesy of DaveKay
Looking forward to our next 'trip'.

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