The idea for this started way back at the beginning of June when I got a batch of pictures from a trip DaveKay took. I had just went to Milwaukee Zoo and of course took pictures. Started me thinking 'How could I share these with everyone?' I bounced the idea of a new site off Katie Girl, who thought it would be interesting, and decided to give it a shot. I hope you will enjoy this site as much as 'LITTLE BIT' and 'BACKYARD'. There won't be as many postings as on the other 2 sites but I thought it would be fun to share with you places people go for day trips/vacations. This will work the same as the other two, if you have photos you'd like to share send them in, the email is listed to the right. Please remember to tell me where it is you went, things that you may have saw or heard, what was happening and a bit about your trip.
And now, without further ado..

They have a special exhibit with Sting Rays and Sharks. You could actually reach in and touch them ! Sharks never did come close enough for me to reach, but the Rays did. They are so soft, like velvet. The barbs have been removed so there was no danger there. It was just so cool.

And we sat in on the Seal show. It was short as the temp was around 90 but fun.

And we can never go to a zoo without a visit to the penguins (my daughter's fav)

I think half the pictures we got are of penguins !

A view from the underwater viewing area

Reindeer, notice how shaggy it looks? Getting rid of the winter coat in favor of a cool summer one.

Looks mighty comfortable sitting there.

This I couldn't resist ! Isn't she just the cutest Gorilla ever !

Of course I wasn't thinking when I took these. So I'm not sure I remember correctly who is what. But I believe this is a Hornbill.

OK I know it's a bird ! LOL

For some reason I don't think this is a Bush Baby. Not the kind pictured anyway.

I don't have any idea, but it's cute ! Maybe a Bat-Eared Fox ?

This one I know ! ! It's a Raffie

Wild Cat - Looks just like a cat I had years ago.




Don't know if she's just bored, has a bad taste in her mouth or just wanted to show off her BIG teeth !
They had an interesting way of setting up some of their exhibits. And of course I didn't get any pictures of them. But what they did is set it up so that the front half would have Impala and Zebra in it and the back half would have Lions. They called it 'Predator and Prey'. I guess to educate the public on what happens in the wild. Now before anyone gets antsy, there were barriers so the Predator could not get to their natural Prey. It was an interesting concept, but it did make for tight quarters. If I had a choice I'd rather see them have more space over the 'Predator/Prey' set up. All in all it was a good visit. Will I go back, doubtful. Maybe I'm spoiled by a Zoo closer to home, but that's another post. But I'd like to see the animals there have more room to move about. And in some cases have something besides bare concrete in the exhibits. Kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. Guess I'm used to watching cams and seeing them without boundaries at all.
Well that does it for this trip. First post is in the bag, so to speak. The first of many (I hope). I hope you enjoyed the trip to the Milwaukee Zoo.
Looking forward to our next 'trip'.
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